Which religion, in your opinion is the MOST DIVIDED?

2009-10-14 5:21 pm
Like they quarrel about almost anything.

Any members of the same religion who quarrel about who worships the real god, even though they worship the same god?

Which one?

Disciple, I am sorry if I offended you but I was seeking for answers. :)

回答 (21)

2009-10-14 5:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
ive got no idea really. Humans never agree on things. Salvation wont come from judging others.
2009-10-15 12:25 am
I would have to say Christians these days,

Though back when greek mythology was a religion, it might have been them, since they had so many different sects for each god (more than one for each god too)
2009-10-15 12:29 am
Christianity. Christians of different races don't even go to church together. Few integrated churches in the US. Like they say, Sunday morning is the most segregated hours in America.
2009-10-15 12:29 am
Oh without a doubt christians. For example, Baptists do not believe that Mormons, Jehovah Witness are christians even those two think they are.

Don't let that disciple fellow get under skin. It's just his opinion.
2009-10-15 12:41 am
Christianity has hundreds of different factions - some of which have only a few hundred followers - and many of the small factions believe all the others are false beliefs. Crazy!
2009-10-15 12:28 am
Those who worship the true God is one of Jehovah's Witness, they show that the true God is Jehovah(Ps 83:18) and his son is jesus(mat 16:16)
2009-10-15 2:28 am
There are ALOT of Protestant churches out there.
Also Let's count Jehovah Witnesses and Mormons as Christian denominations too.
2009-10-15 1:50 am
It is not a matter of opinion but one of FACT!!

Christianity has been split into over 35,000 different denominations, sects and cults setting christian against christian and christians against everyone else!!

God's work? Hardly!!

It must be the Devil and the Antichrist working together to divide, conquer and destroy christianity from the inside!!!
2009-10-15 12:37 am
Christianity, but it's not a surprise. Even the Bible said it would happen and warned against it.
參考: LDS (Mormon)--- Christian
2009-10-15 12:31 am
I'd be tempted to say Christianity, but they are not as violent as the divisions in Islam.

As an aside, how can you tell that members of different "sects" worship the same god? While it is clear from a Christian point of view that Muslims do not worship the same god, it is also clear that the Christians do not worship the same god as the Jews. Further, the Baha'i' claim to worship the god of all three religions as well as others, but it is clear that for this to be true that god would have to be very, very confused.
2009-10-15 12:28 am
All your questions today seem to only encourage like minded people to agree with you. You asked this question knowing you think it is Christianity.

Any members of the same religion who quarrel about who worships the real god, even though they worship the same god?

Obviously an attack on Christianity.
Try again.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but I dont get offended by anything on the internet. I just find it ironic that you ask questions in a way that will support your views, yet atheists claim believers cant handle rejection.

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