Who was the first ever person to create fashion?

2009-10-14 3:48 pm
..this question might be impossible to answer but i need something to do with 'the first pieces of fashion' for an art project im doing, anything will help :]

回答 (5)

2009-10-14 3:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Oleg Cavemani.
2009-10-14 10:54 pm
Eve.Followed by adam.
2009-10-14 10:50 pm
Eve. She used a fig leaf.
2009-10-14 10:57 pm
Fashion, ahh a controversial issue. Well to be honest, i have to say is the medieval times. Look up Wikipedia. But fashion started to be really important at that time.
But keep in mind, the Greeks, Egyptians also have their fashion too. So it depends which period you mean by the FIRST person.
2009-10-14 11:01 pm
The first Fashion that was created was animal skins....
參考: Bible

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