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Actually Easter is a Christian festival to realize the meaning of the death and resurrection of Jesus to our life.
Therefore we can go to the gospel camp held by different churches or gospel organization e.g Breakthrough to know more about the death and resurrection of Jesus. I joined a gospel camp held by Breakthrough and the Hong Kong Lutheran Church in 1983. In that 4 day camp I learned about the creation of God, the life of Jesus and the meaning of death and resurresction of Jesus to our lifes. Many youth believe in Christ and decide to follow Jesus.
Of course you can join the activities held by church, join the sunday service of the church to understand the meaning of death and resurresction of Jesus to our lifes.
2009-10-17 10:11:42 補充:
In Easter the church will give everyone who attend the church sunday service Easter eggs to help the church members to realize the renewal of our life in Christ.