2009-10-13 10:00 pm
ive been talking to this guy for like a month. hes really shy and i like him and want to hang out with him. is it weird if i were to ask him to a movie or something? is that weird for a girl to do? should i just wait for him or go for it? and any tips on how to ask?

回答 (15)

2009-10-13 10:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
it's not weird at all!!
most guys are too shy to ever make a move..
and the girls think it's their job..
so it just never gets done!
if you really want to pursue this guy..
it's up to you.
what do you have to lose?

just ask him if he has plans this weekend
and say maybe we could go see a movie.. on me?
he'll be all for it..
and maybe even wanna pay for both!!

most guys think it's hot when the girls make first move..
good luck!!
2009-10-14 5:21 am
Of course not, it's not weird for a girl to ask a boy if he wants to go out to the movies or something. That's normal, if you really like the guy and want to hang out wit him you will do it. A guy likes a girl who shows how she feels about him. Don't wait for him because what about if he doesn't ask you at all? Than what are you going to do? It would be perfect if u ask him, especially if he's shy because he just need to get use to you & get to know you more. When he does everything is going to be good now and next time it would be him asking you for a date. How to ask? ask him straight out that you would like to go out and you was wondering if he can be the one to go with you. If you shy as well to ask him or scare of what he will say, i guess you can text him. There nothing wrong with that its just the first step.
2009-10-14 5:09 am
If he's really shy, then he's probably too scared to ask you out in case you say no. Just ask him, he'll probably be happy you asked him. He might become more confident if you do.

No, it's not weird for a girl to do. Someone has to do it at the end of the day and if you wait around it might not happen for a while.

If you want to ask him, just go up to him and say "I was wondering if you wanted to go to the movies with me sometime?" Trust me, it's the best way to do it.

Hope this helps. Good luck!
2009-10-14 5:09 am
i dont think it would be weird, and if he does like you it will make it a lot easier on him. You could just be talking to him about some of the movies playing, and ask him if he has seen any recently. Then suggest something that looks really funny. Tell him you really want to see it but you dont have anyone to go with. If he said earlier that he wanted to see it too, you can just be like " we should go together, since we both want to see it :)"
2009-10-14 5:08 am
There is absolutely nothing wrong with asking him. If he's shy like you say, he's going to leap like frogs if you do. He'll probably act cool face to face, but when no one's watching, he's going to dance like a little girl.
I say ask him.
2009-10-14 5:07 am
nah its not weird, its always good for the girl to be confident so ask him because he may be to shy to ask uu x
2009-10-14 5:06 am
Just get you and ur friends to go to the movies and invite him along. It will seem harmless then once you guys are at the movie theater flirt alittle become closer and let him make the first move then you'll know he probably likes you alittle then go from there. If he makes no moves dont asume he doesnt like you just play around a little bit. One thing i know a girl and guy cannot befriends with out them starting to like each other so hang out he'll eventually start likeing you message me if you need more help:)
2009-10-14 5:05 am
i dont think its weird for you to ask at all if you know hes shy and probably wont make the first move its not a big deal if you ask him he wud probably be glad you did . it depends on how you usually talk to him but you could be like yea theres this movie comin out looks rele good wana go 2gether or i heard theres this good restaurant would you try it with me
2009-10-14 5:05 am
No, its not weird for a girl to ask a guy out. Id be a happy man the day girls makes a go for it instead of just waiting for the guy to do it. Just confront him and ask if he'd like to go to the movies with you.
2009-10-14 5:04 am
no it is not weird
in fact, personally i like it
some guys hate girls that play games, i do too LOL

go for it :)
just get in a conversation with him and ask him LOL

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