關於澳洲留學一問 20點!!

2009-10-14 6:50 am


1) Foundation讀一年,然後入讀大學一年班

2) 讀Certificate,diploma各一年,然後入讀大學二年班

請問兩條路,各有什麼 長處短處?

我會考11分 5個d,一個e; ""Student may get into an uni environment earlier with 380/500 UFSP score. For Diploma, student would have to score Credit (65%+) average and IELTS 6.0. ."" 如果讀diploma 要65% + IELTS 6.0 ...IELTS會否好難考到6分? 如果我而家2個都夠資格讀,,咁我應該揀邊條路好?? 係咪一般都會讀foundation???

回答 (3)

2009-10-30 4:48 am
The above answers are very good and very detail. One thing you have to bear in mind that what course(s) would you like to take in university. If you like business, you better go for pathway 2; If you like to study more specific course(s), you should choose pathway one. Foundation courses give your more choices in selecting courses in university. Remember, cert and dip programmes may not gain approval in Hong kong. Be careful!
參考: myself
2009-10-14 6:20 pm
Before, you choose between Foundation and CERT IV, you need to choose which major you are going to study in University.

1) Foundation讀一年,然後入讀大學一年班
Depends on your HKCEE result. If you have 4D grades or above or even 2C and 2D, better to take Foundation than CERT IV. Otherwise, don't take the extended foundation program. Let us know.

2) 讀Certificate,diploma各一年,然後入讀大學二年班
This one is good option as if your targeted University has offered this pathway: Diploma and CERT IV. The advantage of study in this kind of institution: 1) study and accommodate in university, 2) you could also study Diploma (equivalent to Year of that university) in a smaller class.

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2009-10-14 5:46 pm
你完成中五, 我當你有5科PASS 左右....你2條路都可以揀.

但係FOUNDATION 升YEAR 1, 仲要係睇多次你FOUNDATION 既分數而決定你入唔入到YEAR 1.... 呢條路比較適合成績好一D既學生.

而CERT->DIPLOMA->YEAR 2 呢條路, DIPLOMA 升YEAR2, 要求無咁高, PASS 多少少就OK, 適合成績中尚既學生。無咁大壓力。

除左要評估一下你而家既成績,當然 最重要既 唔係間間大學都有齊呢2種你揀。 即係有D學得得foundation, 有d學校得diploma. 你仲要睇咪你既 心水大學 同學系 去決定邊隻好d!
如果你仲有咩唔明, 可以email 我 [email protected] 或者MSN: [email protected]

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