Grammar (Let)

2009-10-13 5:37 am
Which sentence is correct?Why?

1) She let her son go on the trip.
2) She lets her son go on the trip.

回答 (4)

2009-10-13 6:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
Both are correct.
1) let : past tense
2) lets : present tense

However, in the following sentense, "let" can be past tense or present tense.
They let their son go on the trip
2009-10-13 6:33 am
Sentence 2 is correct because the word "she" is a singular pronoun.
2009-10-13 6:24 am
they r both correct as the first one is using the past tense while the second one is using the presence tense.
參考: myself
2009-10-13 5:39 am
1 is correct because when we use 'let', we don't need to add 's' after it.

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