
2009-10-13 12:04 am
求任何 (校園校園驗毒計劃) or (毒品) 的資料!!!(急)

回答 (2)

2009-10-17 12:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
In view of the seriousness of the school drug abuse problem, and its impacts on schools and society, there is a need to accelerate the development of school drug testing.
Thanks to the school principals and teachers of Tai Po district, who volunteer full support for launching the Trial Scheme in school year 2009-10


To educate students to stay away from drugs Help contain and reduce the drug abuse problem in schools To build a drug free learning environment Early Identification and Intervention

To help schools in early identification and intervention of students who are vulnerable or are already abusing drugs To provide timely and appropriate counselling, treatment and rehabilitation or referral services to students To motivate student drug abusers to seek helpmany more useful information available at http://www.nd.gov.hk/pdf/drugtest_taipo_schools_eng.pdf
參考: narcotics division website
2009-10-17 2:04 pm
pls read these 1 (question and detail answer)


you may TRANSLATE the text , from english into chinese,
then COPY and PASTE as ANSWER here

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