
2009-10-12 3:42 am
tom has two brands of fertilizers. brand a contains 15% oxygen and brand b contains 7 % oxygen. if farmer wants to perpare 80 kg of fertilizer containing 10% oxygen, how much brand a and brand b fertilizers should be mixed?

tom= farmer

回答 (1)

2009-10-12 3:50 am
✔ 最佳答案

Let x kg brand a fertilizers should be mixed ,then
(80 - x) kg brand b fertilizers should be mixed.
x * 15% + (80 - x) * 7% = 80 * 10%
0.15x + 5.6 - 0.07x = 8
0.08x = 2.4
x = 30
30 kg brand a and (80-30) = 50 brand b fertilizers should be mixed.

2009-10-11 19:51:55 補充:
The last line should be :
30 kg brand a and (80-30) = 50 kg brand b fertilizers should be mixed.

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