
2009-10-11 6:38 pm
我手指甲唔知做乜有好多好似針"吉",令手甲一點點咁凹陷,越來越多,但指甲顏色冇問題,究竟有冇人知道係乜事呢?我隻手冇受傷過,身體冇大問題; d醫生個個都話冇事,但就d "hole"越來越多,有冇人可以話到俾我知係乜事?

回答 (2)

2009-10-12 3:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Sorry this is in Engflish.

'Pit nails' usually is because Psoriasis. Psoriasis is a skin disease. People sometime show no signs on anywhere else but on the nail. Hope this help.

2009-10-12 14:44:01 補充:
I can't think of anything else would cause the pitting for the nails. I am a nail tech not doctor so I can't say 100% it is Psoriasis, but have seen a few cases like this.
Up to 90% of all people got Psoriasis have sometime in their lives will experience a mild to serious nail disorder.
2009-10-11 6:54 pm

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