Why must read book?

2009-10-11 2:27 am
Why must read book?I Love book!Because book is happy !

回答 (4)

2009-10-11 3:49 am
u can do it as a hobby, not only the story is interesting, some of the photos/ pictures are very fascinating too. You can even learn a moral/something in the books, its good for your and u won't have 輻射 like when u watch tv -3-....there are tons of books that u can read and each is unique and special...^^
參考: me
2009-10-11 3:15 am
- because by reading books, you gain many insights into things.
- you acquire knowledge from reading.
2009-10-11 2:48 am
You can learn more too if you read more books. I like to read book too!HA HA!!
2009-10-11 2:28 am

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