急, 有關BB發燒一事

2009-10-10 7:09 pm
妳好. 我朋友個BB 昨晚發高燒39度, 個BB係一個月大, 而家有醫院, 醫生要抽BB 脊髓做化驗, 這是什麼一回事, 我真的很擔心

Thx u so much! ...i know that! but im so worry, the baby just almost 2 month!

回答 (2)

2009-10-10 7:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You cannot worry so much.

My babies all have high temperature when they were young. Your friend need to trust the doctor. Also she need to learn at the same time. Most of the time, baby does not like water that is bored.

Lacking of water is the main cause of high temperature. Baby itself has immune system to prevent diseases till they get a little older.

Too much clothes also cause high temperature. Too cold also. Therefore, let the doctor find out the reason. Calm down. Read more books, articles about how to take care of new born baby. Listen and ask more people for opinions.
2009-10-21 10:27 pm
因為BB在日間還有底擴力, 到晚上BB成個人放鬆晒, 便會發燒, 我個女次次都是這樣的, 我介紹你看這個醫生, 看一次便足夠好番晒, 不過要$340一次,

江炎輝-美孚地鐵c1出口加轉-美孚新村5期蘭秀道6-b地下 27432332

唔好因為錢唔去看, bb要快好番

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