theory of music Exam

2009-10-10 6:00 pm
Underline one of the following instruments that could play bars 7-8 of
the left hand part so that it sounds at same pitch and name the family
of instruments to which it belongs.

flute cello side drum oboe

How to thing about which instrument I need to underline?

回答 (3)

2009-10-11 3:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
First of all, you should read the note on the bar 7-8, what is the most highest and lowest note?

If you see there are some very high pitch, you should underline Flute, on the other hand, you should underline cello if you see some very low pitch, for the pitch of the instruments could reach, you can see the following site as reference



But if the pitch in bar 7-8 have some pitch "too low for flute" and "too high for cello" in the same time, then u should underline Oboe, which have a middle range of pitch.

The Side drum is usually not to choose since its pitch range is narrow and easily covered by other instrument.
2009-10-11 4:31 am
Left hand part means bass clef? If yes cello is the answer, cello is the only instrument among all which reads on bass clef, flute and oboe use treble clef, side drum is just rhythm.
2009-10-10 9:46 pm

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