請幫我翻譯雙糧的合約內容 ( 20點 )

2009-10-10 5:59 pm
Thanks a lot~~

15.Thirten month bonus

15.1At the absolute discretion of the employer, the employee may be entitled to receive a thirteenth month bonus which is one extra month's salary at the end of each year.

15.2The thirteenth month bonus, if applicable, payable to the Employee shall be paid on the last working day of December each year.

15.3If the Employee's employment commences or terminates part way through the year his entitlement to thirteenth month bonus during that year will be assessed on a pro-rata basis but subject to Clause15.4
15.3.1 If the Employee's employment terminates by the Employee, the Employee shall not be entitled to the thirteenth month bonus.
15.3.2 If the Employee's employment terminates by the Employer, the Employee shall be entitled to the thirteenth month bonus in according to this clause 15.
15.3.3 If the Employee's employment terminates in the event of serious or persistent misconduct by the Employee, the Employee shall not be entitled to the thirteenth month bonus.

15.4The Employee and the Employer hereby agree that any bonus payments awarded to the Employee over and above the remuneration pursuant to clause 15.1 above in whatever from and however denominated ( and whether pursuant to this cluse 15 or any bonus scheme or agreement otherwise howsoever) shall not be considered part of the Employee's contractual or pensionable remuneration and the payment of any such bonuses over a period of time shall not give rise to any acquired rights (contractual or otherwise) or reasonable expectation on the part of the Employee to such level of bonuses on any future occasion.

回答 (1)

2009-10-10 8:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
15.Thirteenth month bonus (第十三個月花紅)
15.1At the absolute discretion of the employer, the employee may be entitled to receive a thirteenth month bonus which is one extra month's salary at the end of each year. 僱主有絶對的決定權去決定僱員是否有資格享有相等於一個月的第十三個月花紅。
15.3If the Employee's employment commences or terminates part way through the year his entitlement to thirteenth month bonus during that year will be assessed on a pro-rata basis but subject to Clause15.4. 如果僱員在有關享有第十三個月花紅的年分內中途入職或離職,其花紅則案比例發放,但需受條款15.4所管制。

15.3.1 If the Employee's employment terminates by the Employee, the Employee shall not be entitled to the thirteenth month bonus. 如果僱員離職是由僱員所提出,則該僱員不能享有第十三個月花紅。
15.3.2 If the Employee's employment terminates by the Employer, the Employee shall be entitled to the thirteenth month bonus in according to this clause, 如果僱員離職是由僱主提出的,則該僱員可依據本條款享有第十三個月花紅。
15.3.3 If the Employee's employment terminates in the event of serious or persistent misconduct by the Employee, the Employee shall not be entitled to the thirteenth month bonus. 如果僱員離職是由於僱員之長期違規所引致,則該僱員不能享有第十三個月花紅。
15.4The Employee and the Employer hereby agree that any bonus payments awarded to the Employee over and above the remuneration pursuant to clause 15.1 above in whatever form and however denominated ( and whether pursuant to this cluse 15 or any bonus scheme or agreement otherwise howsoever) shall not be considered part of the Employee's contractual or pensionable remuneration and the payment of any such bonuses over a period of time shall not give rise to any acquired rights (contractual or otherwise) or reasonable expectation on the part of the Employee to such level of bonuses on any future occasion. 僱員及僱主雙方在此同意,任何給予僱員的花紅奬賞,如有超出以上15.1條款所訂的,無論用什麼形式或是什麼名稱 發放(不論是依據條款第15條或是其他的花紅計劃或合約所發放),皆不會成為僱員合約或可領取之薪金的一部分,同時,此等在一個時段內所發放的花紅,不會給僱員因此而獲取某些權利(合約性或其他),亦不會構成僱員以後對此等水平的花紅存有合理期待。

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