
2009-10-10 8:28 am
我很想學好英文,但我間學校全部科目都係用中文教學,剩係英文堂先用英文教學,所以學ge英文比人少,有咩方法可以自己學英文,而又可以有能力去同外國人溝通,和係寫作,聆聽,閱讀方面水準會高一點??請say得詳盡d!!Thank you!!

回答 (4)

2009-10-10 8:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hello, how are you doing? Nice to meet you. I strongly recommend you to create an English environment in your real life. For example, when you wake up in the morning, you can say " good morning" to yourself. Try to talk to yourself as often as possible. If possible, you can also keep a diary in English, and try hard to practice thinking in English, too. Find a good grammar book and a good dictionary. This will help you improve your English ability a lot. Listening to English songs or watching English TV news or shows is also helpful to you. You may make some native English-speaking friends (foreigners). I'm sure you will absolutely learn a lot from him/her. Please remember that English exists everywhere. Please pay attention to your surroundings, and you will find it interesting and easy to learn English well.
Welcome to visit my blog: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/tonybee98

Good night.
2009-10-12 1:19 am
看外國電影, 不要看字幕;聽英文台收音機... 等等, 但最重要是你對學語言的熱誠. 如果想找一位外國人學英語, 你可以考慮下我老公, 他是美國白人, 不識講中文. 他現時一對一教英文是HK$500/2小時, 可以上門或在外面coffe shop 上堂.

有興趣, 想知道他多一些資料, 可以到他的網頁

Email: [email protected]

他叫 Don.
2009-10-10 9:42 am
講真 係香港真係好失禮 話就話比英國人管治左99年, 英文都唔識得多 仲係講得咁上下, 最好方法都係親身去英語國家嫁la
香港係填鴨色, 你教黎 學以至用唔到嫁, 你覺得識, or識聽, 但係人地英文既人 一聽就知你係咩level,當然人地唔會笑你, 但係唔會think你講得好lor, 香港 我笑
2009-10-10 9:28 am
Tonybee98 offered a lot of good suggestions. You can also check my response to goobadywhf123. Good luck...


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