changing airline schedule

2009-10-09 1:25 pm
I am in Grand Rapids now...
I book the air ticket in Hong Kong before I come here.
That is a roundtrip ticket...
my original plan is that i am going to go back to Hong Kong on June 10 next year...(I mean 2010)
but now I want to change my schedule...
I want to go to New York before I go back to HK
So...can I change my air ticket?
I mean depart from New York to HongKong.
Because...I only can pay the price of an airticket which is from Grand Haven to New York...
I have already paid the ticket which is from Grand Rapids to HK!!

Main point question:

first, can i change a departed location and the date?
then,do i have to pay alot money for that??
next,How can I change...? call the airport company,or what??
Finally...Thanks for everyone who answer me!! Thank you very much!!!!!

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!>W<

回答 (2)

2009-10-09 9:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Yes, it's possible, especially there's plenty of time before you embark on your journey.

All you'll need to do is just to contact your travel / ticket agent (from whom you bought your current air-tickets). Tell them about your new plan and be ready to pay for the difference between the new air-tickets and the old ones. There will also be extra charges for the ammendments you're requesting.

I did it more than once. Don't get worried and just go ahead.

Good trip!
2010-04-25 4:42 am
did you know british cities are full of nasty religious extremist catholic and muslim islamic INDIAN -- study next to you and wanna to screw you around ?

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