
2009-10-09 7:32 am
如果申請破產, 在破產令期間嫁過法國可以嗎(男朋友是法國人)?


如果破產, 嫁過去後在法國工作, 置業或做生意會有影響嗎?

請賜教, 謝謝回答.

回答 (4)

2009-10-10 3:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
如果申請破產, 在破產令期間嫁過法國可以嗎(男朋友是法國人)?
法例沒有明文規定,破產人離開香港時必須通知受託人有關行程及其聯絡處。破產人可在不通知受託人的情況下自由離境。不過,法例亦有約束這種離境做法,即是在破產人士離境期間, 計算自動解除破產令之有關時期 隨即終止,直至該破產人將其返港一事通知受託人之時才再開始計算。縱然破產人有權在不發出任何通知的情況下離港外遊,他仍需承受法例規定下的負面後果。 ( 舉例,如果破產人在不通知受託人的情況下離港兩個月,其自動解除破產令的日期亦會延遲兩個月。 )
《破產條例》第 30A 條 (10)(b)(i) 節 已訂明破產人出外旅遊的限制,包括通知受託人的規定和因未有通知受託人而應受的制裁。訂立限制的目的在於確保破產人在受託人的監管之下,以便受託人在管理有關資產時取得破產人的合作。
就計算離港及破產時期而言,離港不足一日的時間通常不會計算在內 ( 可參考終審法院的 相關判決書 ) 。另外,如果破產人在不通知受託人的情況下離港,其計算自動解除破產令的時期會一直延遲,直至破產人返港後再通知受託人之時為止。換言之,若破產人一直未將其返港一事通知受託人,其解除破產令的日期可能會無限期延遲。


如果破產, 嫁過去後在法國工作, 置業或做生意會有影響嗎?

2009-10-09 19:49:16 補充:
參考: cecimak 作曾曾破產者的經驗和理解!希望可以幫到你!
2009-10-10 9:27 pm
j_hungary002 gives tonnes of incorrect answers. now you will understand why the 'suffix' 002 is nneded, where are 001 and j_hungary???

2009-10-11 14:16:35 補充:
haaa... Yahoo merely termed the answers the "best" answers, not the "correct" answer. therefore, 84% doesn't mean anything "correct".

again, why suffix 002 etc...?? haaaa
2009-10-10 2:33 am
參考: 老實人
2009-10-09 3:09 pm
如果申請破產, 在破產令期間嫁過法國可以嗎(男朋友是法國人)?
As far as i know, when you are during bankrupcy, you cannot leave Hong Kong without the consent of the Median/Administrator.
You need to ask your Administrator for permittion to go oversea.
Anotherthing is, you need to clear out of all trouble before you can apply for French Citizenship. That include bankrupcy.
But since it take 7 years (2 years for residence and 5 years for Citizenship.) You will be in the clear when you can apply Citizenship test. Just worry about your french, if you don't speak french, you literally have no chance to get French Citizenship...
DO NOT LEAVE WITHOUT CONSENT OF THE ADMINISTRATOR, this is a criminal responsibility. If you leave without your administrator consent, you will be charged and you will be indicted back to HK for criminal hearing.
如果破產, 嫁過去後在法國工作, 置業或做生意會有影響嗎?
I think you need to contact yor administrator for that, chances are they will still need to ganish your salary to repay the debt.

2009-10-10 20:14:07 補充:
Is that my English or the third person's is way too bad to imagine.

I DID NOT SAY HE CANNOT LEAVE HK. I said he/she cannot leave HK without the consent of the administrator.

Direct from translation 破產人離開香港時必須通知受託人有關行程及其聯絡處

2009-10-10 20:23:35 補充:

Well, to acquire a french nationality, one must be meritorious, meritorious mean that person must not be currently have Criminal or Civil trouble.

2009-10-10 20:25:52 補充:

Well, you will need to declare if you are under bankrupcy when you apply for French Visa or entry permit.

Well, technically you can lie but, it is not recommend to do so

2009-10-10 20:26:42 補充:
And if you left HK while you are in bankrupcy without notified the administrator, this action is fraud and this is criminal offence.

2009-10-10 20:28:33 補充:
All in all, let me just say this, if you left HK before you would declare bankrupt in the future. It is totally ok, you can forget all i just said. But if you declare bankrupt before you bound for france, this could mean trouble

2009-10-10 20:29:08 補充:
funny this came from a person with 30% answer rate. While i am standing at 84%
參考: , I am an EU citizens and live in France for over 1 year

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