中二factorization and identity

2009-10-09 7:07 am
factorize the following

2.write down two sets of values of a,b,c,d and e under which the following identity holds



回答 (2)

2009-10-09 7:51 am
✔ 最佳答案

Let x+y = a
x-y = b
5a^2 - 20ab + 20b^2
= 5(a^2 - 4ab + 4b^2)
= 5(a - 2b)^2
= 5[(x+y - 2(x-y)]^2
= 5(3y - x)^2
ax^3 + 2x^2 + abx^2 + 2bx + acx + 2c = ax^3+dx^2+e
ax^3 + (2 + ab)x^2 + (2b + ac)x + 2c = ax^3 + dx^2 + 0x + e
2 + ab = d...(1)
2b + ac = 0...(2)

2c = e...(3)
let a = 1 , c = 2 , from(2) : b = - 1 , from(3) e = 4
from (1) : d = 1
let a = 3 , c = 4 , from(2) : b = - 6 , from(3) : e = 8
from (1) : d = 14

2009-10-08 23:56:02 補充:

The last line d = - 16

2009-10-08 23:56:58 補充:

The last line d = - 16
2009-10-09 7:58 am
Let (x+y)=a, (x-y)=b,

5(x+y)^2 - 20(x+y)(x-y) + 20(x-y)^2
=5a^2 - 20ab + 20b^2
=5[a^2 - 4ab + 4b^2]

Sub (x+y)=a, (x-y)=b back, the equation becomes

=ax^3 + (ab+2)x^2 + (ac+2b)x + 2c

=ax^3 + dx^2 + e

For the identity to hold for any arbitrary value of x, LHS has to be equal to RHS. That means the coefficients has to be equal correspondingly, i.e.

x^3: a=a
x^2: (ab+2)=d
x^1: (ac+2b)=0
x^0: 2c=e

Any value of a,b,c,d & e which satisfies the above constraints is a set of answers.

1st set of answers: a=0, b=0, c=0, d=0, e=0
2nd set of answers: a=0, b=0, c=1, d=0, e=0

My 2 answer sets may look a bit tricky, you may think of some others.

2009-10-09 00:02:25 補充:
Sorry. My previous 2 answer sets for question 2 is incorrect.

1st set of answers: a=0, b=0, c=0, d=2, e=0
2nd set of answers: a=0, b=0, c=1, d=2, e=2
參考: 自己, 自己

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