
2009-10-09 3:54 am
當 3 種 past tense 混 合 的 時 候,点 分 present perfect, past tense and the present continuous tense ?
當 我 不 明 白,再 發 問 時,請 附 上 補 答 ! ( 定 期 check 著 吧 ,ok ! )
* 請 詳 細 解 答 ~
附 加 : 當 冇 得 睇 Yes,I do 等句~ 怎 分 do/does/did 和 Is/Am/Are ~ ( 即 verb to be 和 verb to do 的 分 別 ,不 是 第三 身 單 數 的 問 題 )
Thank you so much!

回答 (2)

2009-10-11 8:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
用present perfect,past tense present continuous tense , 時可以睇下有冇key words:
present perfect key words[has(he she it), have(I we you they)]:*already**since*
past tense(過去) key words: *yesterday*, *last friday*(星期一至日都ok,不過一定要有last)
present continuous tense(現在進行)key words : *look*
見到有key words 就知道用咩tense
(present perfect)I have not heard(hear)from him since he left school.
(past tense)David visited(visit)Tokyo *last Monday*.
(present continuous tense)Look!The plane is landing(land).
(do,did...)Do you eat breakfast today? (Is,are...)Is there any bread?

2009-10-11 12:45:55 補充:
Is you eat breakfast? (錯)
如果知道佢已經食左就係:You ate your breakfast today.[past tense冇用do既過去式(did),動詞轉過去式(ate)
E.G: Did you eat your breakfast yesterday?[past tense用左did,動詞(eat)還原]

2009-10-11 12:46:47 補充:
verb to be= be變做 is[present tense(單數)] ,are[present tense(複數)], being(進行式),will be(過去式;可+not),was(is的過去式), were(are的過去式)
verb to do= do(present tense),did(past tense),done(present perfect&past perfect)
doing(present continuous tense),will do[future tense(+will/shall)]
參考: 我, 我, 我
2009-10-11 7:47 pm
verb to be=is,am,are
verb to do=做野
參考: me

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