
2009-10-09 2:30 am
Our company are based in UK with subsidiary in HK. Our computer department is located in UK which means when there is a computer
problem they will remote control to solve the problems. We are using 2 servers, one is based in HK and the other one is in UK which contains all the information and documentation for our use. We basically
are using the UK server for our daily process.

My question is :
Does my activities being monitored if I through the HK server?
For example : Playing games in Facebook.

Actually they have filter on their UK server but none in HK server.
Please advice.

回答 (2)

2009-10-13 9:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
First of all, in most company, it is using router to access to the internet. (not server). Server is mainly for fill share, database application, DHCP, DNS, e-mail.

if you play game in hk, the record may record in the router log. (not all router log down the traffic). IT colleagues can access to the log. however, as the log is too long. mostly, no one will access the log.

if your company has install some network monitor hardware / software, it can also generate report of bandwidth usage of each user.
2009-10-13 8:38 pm
If they have authorized to manage your HK server, they must know it.

If your computer accesses to Internet without via the server, they can't check it.

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