請問要如何修正這一句,成通順的英文呢?給 15點

2009-10-08 8:22 am
請問要如何修正這一句成通順的英文呢?給 15點

“剛剛電視新聞報導,現在菲律賓正有一個颱風登陸,所以,飛往馬尼拉的班機,停飛。 ”

The TV news just reported that a typhoon is hitting Philipines now,
so all flights towards Manila Airport are all terminated until further notice.

回答 (7)

2009-10-08 9:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
According to TV news, there's a typhoon landing on the Phillipines right now. So, all flights toward Manila Airport are all terminated. The changed schedule will be accounced later on.

1. 登陸用hitting來講不太好, 有點像台灣英語, 應該要用美式英文
2. 菲律賓: 是 the Phillipines, 不是 phillipines. 因為英文的文法跟用 法的關西 (美國人都講 the phillipines, 假如跟他們講 phillipines 可能有點怪)
3. toward 後面不可以加 "s" 因為 flights 是 plural (多數).
4. 假如說 "all flights towards Manila Airport are all terminated until further notice", 那句子就是說" 直到有給告知, 所有到馬尼拉的飛機才會停飛". 所以要改成像我那樣, 句子的釋義(邏輯)才是正確的.

2009-10-08 01:16:29 補充:
The TV news just reported that a typhoon has made a landing in Philippine right now, all flights to Manila have been suspened upon further notice.

landing in Phillipines 拼錯 (是Phillippines), 文法錯 (是on the Phillippines)
suspened 拼錯(是 suspended), 用字不好 (通常suspend是用在學生被老師處罰或是犯人被禁止做一件事的時候使用的)

2009-10-08 01:21:36 補充:
Hey, yo
cancelled is not suitable in this case.
he's right in using terminating because it's a (more) general term
for "cancelled", it's used colloquially. For example, in the airports, the workers may say "xxx flight is cancelled".

2009-10-08 18:32:33 補充:


都比颱風更嚴重的 那種叫: thunder storm

所以事實上, 我覺得沒有說一定正確的說法


所以 "making a landfall" 有點不正確喔

landfall是指著陸 而且通常是指你搭船"到達"一個地方
參考: 住過紐約, 自己
2009-10-08 7:04 pm
-------- so all flights scheduled for arrival or departure at Manila Airport today are postponded or cancelled effective immediately until further notice.
2009-10-08 1:17 pm
颱風登陸是Making a landfall.
2009-10-08 12:14 pm
原本的翻譯還不錯啊 稍稍改一下就沒問題
The TV news just reported that a typhoon is hitting the Philippines now,
so all flights to the Manila Airport are all canceled until further notice.
1. 菲律賓國名有the, 一個"l", 後面兩個"pp", 超容易拼錯
2. Manila是班機終點, 要用to. "toward(s)"有無"s"都可以當介係詞 (Hey! This word is not a verb, so the number of the subject "all flights" does nothing to its spelling.) 不過 toward只是表示"朝著某個方向", 不表示"到達"
3. Typhoon來襲用 hit, strike都可以; 登陸 land也算講得通, 不過介係詞一般是: 班機 land at 某機場, 此處是登陸一國, 可以用in, 不過菲國是群島, 好像有人用on (這點還請先進指正!)
4. cancel, suspend都可以, 舉個Oxford Learner's Thesaurus 的例句: All aid flights have been suspended for a week after fighting near the city's airport.

2009-10-08 04:38:06 補充:
原來有兩個all 去掉一個才不會累贅
2009-10-08 9:45 am
It was just reported on TV that a typhoon was hitting the Philipines ,so all flights to Manila Airport were suspended until further notice.
2009-10-08 8:44 am
The TV news is reporting that a typhoons is landing in (或是 heading toward ) the Philippines and all flights to and from the Manila airport are cancelled until further notice.
2009-10-08 8:40 am
“剛剛電視新聞報導,現在菲律賓正有一個颱風登陸,所以,飛往馬尼拉的班機,停飛。 ”

TV news report just now,
A typhoon is landing in Philippine now,
Flight to Manila,


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