各位C 兄:
我DIY了一台PC。硬件 是: Asus P5QL-Pro motherboard, 4G ram, ATI HD4870 VGA card, 320G Maxtor HD, Intel quad Q9400 CPU。
我用舊WindowXP home 2002 OEM 英文版碟奘機。但多次用 Window 碟boot起機後都在repartitioning C: Drive 後就死機。畫面出現下列字句 :
"The following value in the .SIF file used by setup is corrupted or missing. Value 0 on the line in section [SourceDisksFiles] with key "SP1.cab."
Setup cannot continue. To quit setup. Press F3"
a. 用另外一個 DVD RW drive (Samsung) 裝Window 碟boot機,但都是一樣在同一個set up 程序 -----> window碟寫入HD時就死機。
b. 我亦試過把maxtor HD 裝入另一臺PC內,但它又OK又可save files.
c. 我曾經試過用另一隻中文OEM WindowXP home 2002 SP2版碟奘機。但裝機過程中仍出現下列字句 :
"The following value in the .SIF file used by setup is corrupted or missing. Value 0 on the line in section [SourceDisksFiles] with key "SP2.cab."