
2009-10-08 4:10 am

"Thanks a lot for your patiently to listen at my introduction."

回答 (5)

2009-10-08 4:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
Thanks a lot for your patiently to listen at my introduction.

1. "your patiently" is wrong, as there should a noun following the pronoun "your". e.g. your attention

2. "listen at" is also incorrect, as the verb "listen" should be followed by "to", i.e. listen to

Actually, a more natural expression is "Thank you for your attention." or "Thank you for your cooperation."
2009-10-09 10:50 pm
Answer : You sentence is grammatically incorrect. It should be :

Thanks a lot for listening to my introduction patiently.

2009-10-09 14:51:08 補充:
Correction : Your sentence is grammatically incorrect. It should be:
參考: ME
2009-10-09 3:27 am


2009-10-08 4:45 am
''thank you for listening to my introduction'' 就可以了
吾需要 patience 和 thanks ''a lot'' 了
參考: 我
2009-10-08 4:24 am
這句文法有點錯,而且應該沒有人沒這樣子說的。文法方面,應該是"listen to my introduction" 不是"listen at my introduction"。

如果要正確說出來,應該是"Thank you for paying attension to my introduction"。但還是那句,應該沒有人會說這樣的句子的。

參考: 個人意見

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