點樣張 word 的行加高

2009-10-07 6:20 pm
點樣張 word 的行加高,如果打字體 18 就 ok,但加大到 20
就字體不完整,謝謝。 請解釋詳細一些

回答 (3)

2009-10-08 1:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
2009-10-07 9:51 pm
1. Word 是何版?2003 ? 2007 ?
2. 字體為何?細明?Arial?抑或其他?如非正統,行位加後亦難工整。

手上是 Word 2007,且用作解說,如崁你不著,或可賦予他人。
行間位是 Line spacing,有上和下。為圖便捷,下用英文指引。
In Word 2007
1. To change line spacing between text, open document, click Line spacing in paragraph tab in middle of tab bar.
2. Click Line spacing option. Click up or down arrows in Before and After boxes to increase or decrease spacing above and below text.
3. Check the line spacing changes in the sample text box below.
4. When finished, you can choose to apply the changes to a single or multiple lines by altering the option in the Line spacing box on right.
5. When done, click OK to apply the changes you've selected.
6. Now proof read your document. If needed, go back and adjust until perfect before saving or printing.
在 2003 版,可至 Help 方格打入 Line spacing ,按微軟指引法門做之。

參考: 我的電腦智識、實踐經驗
2009-10-07 7:00 pm
張 word 的行加高, 首先去到你想加高個行, high light 佢然後 right click你隻 mouse, 選 "列高" , 入你想加高幾多便 OK

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