好急 - 中文翻譯英文

2009-10-07 5:07 pm
一個要復 follow up email

意思係 say.

我係 "date" monitor 到個 email1 address and email2 address 成功 send 到去我地 domain.com email server. 但我地仍然 keep 住 monitor 這 2 個 email address 仲有冇問題.

回答 (1)

2009-10-07 6:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It should be 覆e-mail.

We've tested and successfully transmitted messages from e-mail1 address and e-mail2 address to our domain.com e-mail server. We'll continue monitor these two e-mail addresses to ensure their normal function.

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