Why does he make fun of me?

2009-10-06 8:38 pm
Please i need 2 know

this boy keeps making fun of me. Does he like me? Everyone saz he does but he has been makig fun of me since the 4th grade. Im now in seventh.(im a girl)


I don't like him, and he likes someone else, so how can he like me

回答 (8)

2009-10-06 8:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
ya but to be sure check for these signs

Signs a guy likes you:
* If he wants to talk to you all the time,
* If he was acting like you're his friend but stopped doing embarrassing things in front of you this doesn’t happen always but Ive seen before,
* If you turn around and you catch him looking at you,
* If he starts acting nicer when you're around him,
* If he says "yes" to all the things you ask him to do not all but if a guy like a girl he will try to make everything perfect by accepting most things,
* If he treats you differently than others,
* If he tries to sit next to you at work, in class, at lunch, or play on a team with you during Gym/Recess
* If he looks at you a lot every time you smile or laugh,
* If you catch him sneaking a glance at you and he quickly turns away when he realizes that you saw him,and you see him blush,
* If he acts immaturely around you, like poking, teasing or playful flirting,
* If he seems to always want to hang out with you,
* If he gets closer with a body part, or if he tries to touch you (e.g. when you touch him he might touch you back)
* If you catch him peeking at you and he smiles turn around slowly and smile back playfully,
* If he tries to make you laugh,
* If he tries to keep you in view for as long as possible or tends to look around and stop when he finds you,
* If he subtly looks at you but makes it look like he is looking at the girl next to him,
* If he's immature he will act different around you, quiet and maybe even try to avoid you. Or, he'll act different around you than when he's just with his friends.
* If he goes out of his way to talk to you (e.g. if he goes to the other side of your school to talk to you because he knows you have a class there),
* If you see him staring at something by turning his head 90 degrees and when you look at him he smiles and turns away, when this happens, check his pupils, he might have actually been staring at you
* If he invites you to a party
* If you flirt with a friend of his when he can see, and he looks jealous or automatically flirts back, (but don't flirt with them just to find out if he likes you)
* If he talks to you and wants to know how you're doing,
* If he is nicer or tries to talk to your friends.
* If he asks about you to your friends when you're not around,
* If he asks you to dance with him at the dance. Note: He may be trying to be nice because he thinks you like him
* If he walks past you and tries to look cool so you can glance at him
* If a guy tries to show you things he got that are somewhat expensive (e.g. a cellphone) or he tries to impress you,
* If you notice when he gets out of class and starts to walk a little slower than usual, then he's trying to give you the opportunity to talk to him!
* If he always talks to you there's a great chance that he likes you.
* If he feels so awful letting you down that he lies.
* If he would do anything to spend more time talking to you (e.g. if he talks/texts/exchange IM's to you until midnight).
* If you realize that he ignores you when you're looking but when you look out of the corner of your eye, he turns back around to look back at you,
* If he's talking to his friends and nodding like he's paying attention but you realize he's not, he's actually been staring at you the whole time!
* If he walks down the hallway (at school) and he "accidentally" bumps/touches you, if he moves your chair or pulls your hair etc.
* If he ignores you almost completely. For example, when you call his name he does nothing, but when your friend does, he pays attention. This is because he might be embarrassed or not sure how to approach you. Be careful, though, he might ignore because he just flat-out doesn't like you!
參考: >:)
2009-10-06 8:44 pm
I would think you'd be interested in someone whos nice to you, not always poking fun at you.

Dont reward his childish behavior. If that starts now, he'll become one of those clowns that girls are always crying about in the "my bf treats me like sh!t, what do I do?" questions.
2017-01-20 7:28 am
a million. Whats the final factor you got ? skinny denims :) 2. What shade Is Your telephone? purple 3. Whens The final Time U Went Swimming? final week 4. What shade Is Your shirt? Black white and grey 5. have you ever enjoyed The Jonas? they are ok. 6. Are You wearing Socks? No 7. Whats the final factor u Ate? Chips 8. might u Dye Ur Hair pink 4 Your (GF or BF) Yeah :) 9. final factor u suggested Out Loud? "Did you hit upon it?" 10. Can u Dance? lots of people say I dance reliable yet I do exactly it for relaxing so i do no longer understand.
2009-10-06 8:49 pm
It depends HOW he is making fun of you. What exactly does he say or do and in what context or tone of voice does he say or do these things in? Unless we know that, there is no way in hell we could say if he may like you or not.
And 3 years, it seems as if you're just his person to take the piss out of. Nothing more. Then again, it depends totally on what I said above.

You say he likes someone else so how can he like you..what the f'uck? How old are you, like? People are allowed to like more than one person, I hope you are aware.
2009-10-06 8:45 pm
Ahahaha. So juvenile. He's a douche. Tell him to **** off. :D
2009-10-06 8:44 pm
of course he likes you!
2009-10-06 8:44 pm
if he says it in a flirty way than yes he is flirting but idk what to say. you didnt realy explain how he makes fun of you what i would do is make fun of him back and see what he does if he smiles and laughes on the inside than walks away than he probably likes you, if it becomes a dissing war than not ment to be.

mine? http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AsM2KGupxxsNTh8dzcRKadsJ53NG;_ylv=3?qid=20091006122812AATfMiT
2009-10-06 8:42 pm
yeh i usually make fun or tease a girl i'm interested in
it's a way of flirting

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