What should i do if i want to invite people to me birthday party dinner but they do not know each other?

2009-10-06 4:44 pm
Okay. So what should i do if i want to invite my closest friends to my birthday dinner party but they do not know each other [most of them]?
i don't want to remove anyone from the guest list.. what should i say or do during the awkward moments? and any topics we can talk about?

回答 (5)

2009-10-06 5:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
play truth or dare
2009-10-07 1:09 am
There is nothing wrong with that at all! I have been to parties, including birthday parties, that I didn't know everyone there. It is a wonderful opportunity to meet new people. You don't mention if this is going to be a group of 50 or a smaller group of 5. If it is a smaller group, then make sure you introduce everyone. If it is a larger group, introduce newcomers to a few people when they arrive.
Happy Birthday and have fun!
2009-10-07 12:18 am
Looks like a great oppurtunity to introduce all your new friends to each other, don't say anything, let the party begin. who knows, you might get invited to a party where yoy don't know anyone, Have a happy birthday!
2009-10-07 12:16 am
They all have something in common - You. Invite them anyway. Since you're the host, you should make sure that your guests are introduced to one another so that everyone feels welcomed. :)
2009-10-06 11:54 pm
Intereduce them at the party or tell your friend(s) before-hand that there's going to be one or more people your not going to know there (at the Birthday Party Dinner) =)

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