
2009-10-06 7:38 pm

我 monitor 到 email1 and email 2 係 6 Oct 成功 delivery 郵件去 domain.com mail system 到. 但我亦要 keep monitor 多 一 段時間. 個原因亦有好多方面做成, 但我亦尋找問題所在.

純係 follow up 之前D 事. 話我 look 到 email1 and email2 係 6 Oct 成功 delivery 郵件去 domain.com mail system ( 之前有話問題收5到) , 現在回復正常, 但仍要 keep look 住 一段時間 .


pls help ar............urgent

回答 (4)

2009-10-11 3:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我monitor 到 email1 and email 2 係 6 Oct 成功 delivery 郵件去 domain.commail system 到. 但我亦要 keep monitor 多 一 段時間. 個原因亦有好多方面做成, 但我亦尋找問題所在.(2009-10-06 14:46:46補充)純係 follow up 之前D 事.話我 look 到 email1 and email2 係 6 Oct 成功 delivery郵件去 domain.com mailsystem ( 之前有話問題收5到) , 現在回復正常, 但仍要 keep look 住 一段時間 .
How are you?
Following up on the previous issue on mail delivery, I have monitored that both email 1 and email 2 were successfully delivered on 6 Oct to the domain.com mailsystem. Although things have returned to normal now, the dysfunction might have resulted from a few different causes. I shall therefore keep monitoring the situation a bit longer to find out the underlying causes.

2009-10-11 07:56:35 補充:
Following up on the previous issue on mail delivery, should be:
Following up on the previous issue of non-delivery of mail,
( translating之前有話問題收5到)

2009-10-11 07:58:08 補充:
the dysfunction might have resulted... should be:
the malfunction might have resulted...
2009-10-10 7:52 pm

我 monitor 到 email1 and email 2 係 6 Oct 成功 delivery 郵件去 domain.com mail system 到. 但我亦要 keep monitor 多 一 段時間. 個原因亦有好多方面做成, 但我亦尋找問題所在.
2009-10-06 14:46:46 補充

純係 follow up 之前D 事.

話我 look 到 email1 and email2 係 6 Oct 成功 delivery 郵件去 domain.com mail system ( 之前有話問題收5到) , 現在回復正常, 但仍要 keep look 住 一段時間 .

2009-10-06 17:39:10 補充

pls help ar............urget



我監視器到電子郵件 1 和電子郵件 2 係十月 6 日成功遞送郵件去 domain.com 郵寄系統到。 但我亦要保存監視器多一段時間。 個原因亦有好多方面做成,但我亦尋找問題所在。

2009-10-0614:46:46 補充

純係追蹤之前 D 事。

話我神情到電子郵件 1 和電子郵件 2 係十月 6 日成功遞送郵件去 domain.com 郵件系統 (之前有話問題收 5 到)、現在回復正常,但仍要保存神情住一段時間。

2009-10-0617:39:10 補充

pls 幫助 ar............緊急的

2009-10-10 11:56:43 補充:
你可以使用 "譯言堂"

2009-10-06 10:18 pm
純係 follow up 之前D 事.

話我 look 到 email1 and email2 係 6 Oct 成功 delivery 郵件去 domain.com mail system ( 之前有話問題收5到) , 現在回復正常, 但仍要 keep look 住 一段時間 .
2009-10-06 7:47 pm
唔係好明你想問咩 詳細d既話會好辦事d

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