
2009-10-06 6:29 pm

This is my first time to go to Korea. I was extremely excited because I had heard so many great things about this place, especially the cosmetic >v<

I was very enjoyed to plan the trip by myself. I thought it was better to be individual visitor, although many friends said it was quite dangers. Anyway, I like adventure.

Actually, it was easily to go there than I had thought. Just reading the guide book and follow it, then you will find that what you want. Korean are not good at English, but they are willing to use their body language to tell you everything. That was so kind of them.

Unwittingly, we are together 1 year. Wholeheartedly thanks YOU to bring me a lot of fun. Hope you enjoy the trip as well. Looking forward to the next trip~~


回答 (1)

2009-10-06 8:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我覺得你問題出自有d地方太港色, 你用既adverb eg Unwittingly,Wholeheartedly 不過我明白你想表達d咩野同埋有時唔一定用d難字就會高分 相反到point先係重點


1. I was very enjoyed to plan the trip by myself. I thought it was better to be individual visitor, although many friends said it was quite dangers. Anyway, I like adventure. 呢段野其實可以用返 present tense話都冇問題 因為呢d係你日常中意做既野呀嘛
但係I was very enjoyed to plan 就點都唔岩la, 因為 enjoy 係verb黎 ,就咁 i enjoy planning / i enjoy to plan就得la

I thought it was better to be individual visitor呢句 不如講i think it is better to go on my own 睇落順話咩individual visitor

唔係danger 係dangerous一係講 it is dangerous, 一係i can be in danger

Anyway, I like adventure.呢句呢, anyway本身好難會一開頭就用anyway, 除左講野上 我會詳細講下 點解中意冒險又可以將i enjoy planning放上前面果句 好似 i enjoy planning xxxx and making my trip a adventure.

2. Unwittingly, we are together 1 year 應該係 we have been together for 1 year now , 因為你仲同緊佢一齊呀嘛

3. Wholeheartedly thanks YOU to bring me a lot of fun應該就咁話 Thank you very much for bringing me a lot of fun . Very Much 同你既Wholeheartedly意思接近了

希望幫到你, 我本身都好中意英文的
其如我覺得唔錯, 加油la. 英文真係好有用, 好好咁善用
參考: 自己

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