我想將 word 文件期中一頁取消

2009-10-06 3:45 pm
請問我想將 word 文件期中一頁取消,即共三頁,現在只要二頁,要怎樣做,謝謝。


回答 (3)

2009-10-06 4:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2009-10-06 4:55 pm
The easiest way:
1. Open the page you don't need.
2. Rest mouse cursor at one of the words.
3. Hold Ctrl key then press A. Release keys. Now whole page will be high-lighted in blue.
4. Press Delete key on key board. This page will be removed permanently.
5. Go to page one and make sure it relates seamlessly to the following page.
6. When finished, hit Save.

參考: My Word experience
2009-10-06 3:54 pm
delete 鍵幫到你。

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