
2009-10-06 6:42 am

由於澳門在近代中國與外國聯繫中的重要地位,蘊藏了豐富的文化遺產,被列入《世界文化遺產名錄》的澳門歷史城區,能吸引更多旅客前來參觀,另外,酒店內有聖雅各伯聖堂, 可供客人多方面的用途, 如:舉行婚禮或為信徒提供場所, 能為酒店帶來其他方面的盈利。
面對著五光十色的建築物和五花八門娛樂場所,相比之下會比較遜色. 另外聖地牙哥古堡酒店沒有娛樂場所,加上古堡部分外牆比較殘舊,欠缺時代感.

眾多酒店臨立, 聖地牙哥古堡酒店在規模設施和人力資源等方面與人相比都有不足的地方. 另外聖地牙哥古堡酒店能保留歐洲的獨特建築風格.

回答 (1)

2009-10-06 7:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
(Advantage) San Diego Castle Hotel is located in Sai Wan Lake waterfront, facing the sea air is so clean and quiet, and slowly walked in, we can enjoy some of the 17th century European-style of ancient buildings, the hotel has a a small church, called St. James's Chapel, the church of the table and a chair are full of religious cultural flavor, can give people the wedding, and, each July 25, the faithful were all celebrated in this church, St. James Peter's Day.

(Disadvantage) Castle Hotel San Diego is a disadvantage because of their own problems, the hotel has a long history from it is a more old-fashioned buildings, fewer repairs, while a smaller scale and staff is a very serious problem, and secondly, because the there are occasions, capital and manpower shortage and other issues, without giving the employees a number of regular training.
(Opportunities) As the Macao in modern China and the foreign connections in the important position, hold a rich cultural heritage, has been included in the "World Heritage List" and Historic Center of Macau, to attract more tourists come to visit, In addition, the hotel has elegant St. The Bo church available for the guests a wide range of uses, such as: the wedding or for the believers to provide a platform for the hotel, other aspects of their profits.
(Threats) In recent years, because the Government has kept to grant to the developer, to build more hotels, and thus the more the more the more magnificent building,
The face of colorful buildings and diverse entertainment venues, would be more favorably compared. Another Castle Hotel San Diego is not entertainment, combined with relatively old castle part of the wall, the lack of sense of the times.

收錄日期: 2021-04-28 13:35:36
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