有請英文強者, 比較長的個案!!

2009-10-06 2:43 am
今天陳強如常上班,因為是旅遊旺季,遊客全擠在櫃檯前,指指點點,要求查看不同電話,, 令陳強的同事應接不暇。 陳強也在處理遊客陳太的投訴,想不到她破口大罵道:『你們有沒有良心? 已經賣得比別的店舖貴,明知電話有花痕,你們也賣給我? 這麼大的連鎖店也騙人! 』陳強回應:『不會吧? 你在購買之時不是已經詳細查驗過嗎? ….』未等陳強講完,陳太立即搶白道: 『喂! 我現在跟你投訴,不是聽你辯駁, 究竟你換不換?』陳強正要說下去,想不到給陳太打斷說話,故只好默不作聲,心想: 『Check你已經Check過了,自己唔小心用! 現在又強詞奪理! 』陳太見陳強不說話,又罵道: 『你是否不服氣? 覺得我不對? 我不跟你講,我要跟你的經理講!』陳強只好回應說:『陳太,我就是這裡的副經理。』陳太更氣道:『你是副經理? 那你是什麼態度呀,連你也在耍我。 快! 叫你的經理出來,我要投訴!』 『對不起! 他今天休息。』陳強告訴陳太。陳太咆哮道:『這麼巧! 你不要耍我! 你今天不替我更換,我去旅遊發展局投訴!』見陳太那麼兇,陳強只好回應:『陳太,這樣吧,我收回維修一下好嗎?』但是陳太仍纏著不放:『不行,我明天就走,你現在就換一副給我吧。』見陳太這樣堅持,陳強惟有安撫陳太:『陳太,那好吧。』聽到這樣的回應,陳太才安靜下來,揚一揚眉道:『那麼快一點! 今天的行程也給你們打亂了! 唉! 以後也不再光顧你們這些“黑店”』…目送著陳太離開去,陳強心想: 『唉! 就是費事把事情搞大,其實最後上級為了息事寧人,不也是給她一個新的? 算了吧。』

剛送走陳太, 想不到在旁邊站著、拿著電話要求調較的林生,以非常不禮貌的語氣質問陳強: 『為什麼我站在這裡這麼久也沒有人理睬? 是不是生意做完便不用照顧?』 陳強立即回應:『不好意思,今天比較多顧客,累你久侯。』怎知道林生趁機發難:『喂! 我已經等了20分鐘剛走進來時,你的同事還說會替我 Check一下,怎料到一去不回頭,只顧著招呼新客戶。再跟他講,他又只顧處理新客戶的要求。你們怎麼搞的?為什麼我還是要等, 服務這麼爛?!』 陳強心想: 『每個客戶都說自己等了很久!』但為了平伏對方的不滿,陳強只好道歉: 『對不起,可能我們遺漏了,我現在立刻給你處理。』『我現在不用你處理這副電話,我現在要投訴。我要投訴剛才那小伙子。他的態度太差。』林生忍不住大罵。陳強回應:『這個我代他向你致歉。』林生繼續糾纏說:『不行,我要他親自道歉。』陳強無奈說:『他也是無意的,現在他又正忙,不若他有空…』但是,林生插嘴道: 『不行,你不給我叫他來道歉,我是不會走的!』就這樣子,陳強跟林生糾纏了15分鐘,到對方接了個電話,便突然要走,才放低那副電話,結束了這個“持久戰鬥”的局面。

*不要網上翻譯~~ thanks!!

回答 (2)

2009-10-06 3:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
Chen Qiang, to work as usual today, because it is peak tourist season, tourists all crowded into the counter, pointing, ask to see a different phone, so my colleagues Qiang overwhelmed. Qiang is also dealing with complaints from tourists Anson, would have thought she yells Road: 『Have you no conscience? Has been selling expensive than other shops, knowing telephones flowers marks, and you have to sell me? Such a large chain stores are deceptive! 』Qiang Response:『 would not you? When you buy not already examined in detail before? .... 』Did not finish so Qiang, Anson Road, an immediate rebuff:『 Hey! I am now your complaint is not heard you argue, what you can not be exchanged for? 』Chen Qiang was going to say go, never thought to speak to Mrs Chan interrupted, it had to remain silent, thinking: Check 『Check that you have been, and his careless use! now a lame argument!』 Anson Chen Qiang, see do not speak, but also scolded Road: 『Do you not convinced? think I am right? I can not tell you, I must speak to your manager!』 Qiang had responded by saying: 『Anson, I was assistant manager here. 』Anson better airway:『 You are the vice president? That's the attitude you ah, even you are playing me. Fast! Called out of your manager, I have to complain about! 』『 Sorry! Him a break today. 』Qiang told Mrs. Chan. Mrs Chan Roaring Road: 『coincidence! You will not playing me! If you do not change for me, I went to Tourism Board complaints!』

2009-10-05 19:24:11 補充:

2009-10-05 19:24:42 補充:
See Anson Name Xiong, Chen Qiang had no choice but to respond: 『Anson,
2009-10-06 9:02 am



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