What should I do if a guy online asked me to MARRY HIM??

2009-10-04 9:34 pm
There's this guy that I talk to online. We talk everyday. We've discovered that we have a lot in common. We've never met in person.
He told me he likes me even though we've never met. Then he told me I have everything that he looks for in a woman. He told me looks doesn't matter to him, and that he's willing to accept people for who they are. He wants to get married and start a family. He told me he loves me, and I fell in love with him as well... I know that's creepy being online! But we feel like even though we've never met before that we have a connection. He's has everything I want in a guy! But we haven't met yet. We are planning on meeting up soon. He feels that I'm "THE ONE" for him so he asked me online "WOULD I MARRY HIM"....He wants to have kids with me!
I'm confused because this is getting kinda creepy but at the same time I love him, and I don't want to stop talking to him. Can someone please give me some feedback on what to do? Thank you!
And if this has happened to you before, feel free to give your story! Thanks!

回答 (6)

2009-10-04 9:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
delete your account and say no! i know you say you love him and you may even do love him..but it was online and you dont know him! if youmet him and person and he turned out to be a rapist or something it would be bad! and may even cost your life...say no...people can say anything they want online..even lies
2009-10-04 9:42 pm
Uhhhhhhh TOTALLY creepy.
He could be a fat old man who's a pedi or something. So he thinks that if you say yes then you guys'll have to meet and then he can kidnap you and keep you for his sex slave.....
Or he could just be joking lol.
Either way, NOOOO!
2009-10-04 9:42 pm
Please girl, use some common sense!
Why are you even considering this?
2009-10-04 9:40 pm
he wants to find you and rape you. delete your account dont be stupid. he likes you even though youve never met cuz when you do me hes going to do whatever he likes to you
looks dont matter because he wants to kidnap you
he loves you because.. HE REALLY DOESNT
his whole goal was to make you fall in love with him! you fell into the trap.

that could be one case, or

he really does love you. and thats just weird. considering you've never met. honestly, hes probably fat and alone.


he could be the man of your dreams, and you could get married and start a family ! go for it! no just kidding dont. dont talk to him about it because he'll just tell you hes serious which could be the case but still, you cant know for sure so to be safe just forget him. dont talk to him again. and meet a nice man on match.com
2009-10-04 9:38 pm
girl.. say no!!!!!
2017-02-05 7:29 am
Block him

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