
2009-10-03 7:17 pm




鐘有,假設某個密室一個燈泡發光,如果光線係行直線,咁射入我地眼睛的光線,不是只有bulb的某一部分嗎?吾明? 你先畫一個圓形代表bulb,之後畫光線,成個圖形就好似太陽咁,之後係一定距離畫人既視線,之後將光線延長,吾係得幾條光線射入我地眼睛,即使吾係幾條,都吾會係全部(根據圖形)點解我地又可以睇 晒到整個bulb?

回答 (2)

2009-10-04 10:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. From classical theory, light is electromagnetic waves in nature. The reflection of light can be explained by absorption and re-emission of electromagnetic waves, which has no relation with action-and-reaction.
2. Sound waves progpagate due to vibration of air molecules. The vibrations are transmitted through molecular interaction by intermolecular force, which is electromagnetic in nature. Likewise, the reflection of sound invloves electromagnetic interaction of air molecules and the molecules of the reflecting medium. You can't simply apply action-reaction process to describe this phenomenon.
3. Any interaction between molecules is electromagentic in nature. The answer to Q2 still applies.
4. Action and reaction forces are always equal in magnitude. The breaking of the stone is just a RESULT of the application of the action force. You feel the reaction force before the stone is broken.
5. You see the light bulb because there are scattered light inside the room. Should there be no light scattered (e.g. in an open space in a complete darkness night), you could only see a bright spot but not the whole bulb.
2009-10-12 1:41 am
當然不是,通常我們畫 ray diagram 只係表示物體一端(一點),或者是頭尾兩端(兩點)所發出的光,事實上物體的其他部分也發出光線,理論上便要畫無限條線了。

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