為什麼所有基本粒子都有自己的反粒子 ?

2009-10-03 10:55 am
為什麼所有基本粒子都有自己的反粒子 ?

回答 (2)

2009-10-06 5:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Short answer in a more theoretical physical point of view:

In a sense, the questioner had the answer already as he or she mentioned the key word 對枰 (symmetry).

In writing down a field theory, we often require (1) POINCARE SYMMETRY, including translation, rotation and boost in space-time (you know, the latter two formed the Lorentz group of relativistic transformation), and (2) GAUGE SYMMETRY, e.g. U(1) for electromagnetic field describing interaction between charged particles, SU(2) for weak interaction, or SU(3) for strong interaction.

The existence of anti-matter relies on the preservation of the two symmetries as shall be illustrated in the following simple model.

Consider a gamma ray incident on a metal and scattered into an electron-positron pair moving in opposite direction. If one views the experiment in another reference frame moving faster than the electron, then one will see the gamma ray hits the electron and accelerates it. Hence, the positron in the stationary frame is an electron in the moving frame.

Here Poincare symmetry allows relativistic transformation of reference frames from one another, and the U(1)-gauge symmetry implies charge conservation (so that electron has charge).

For more general gauge symmetry, one has a generalized concept of charge and current of matter. But the existence of anti-matter still relies on both Poincare and gauge symmetry
參考: Any textbook on quantum field theory (such as Peskin's)
2009-10-04 3:43 am
反粒子是相對於正常粒子而言的,它們的質量、壽命、自旋都與正常粒子相同,但是所有的內部相加性量子數(比如電荷、重子數、奇異數等)都與正常粒子大小相同、符號相反。有一些粒子的所有內部相加性量子數都為 0,這樣的粒子叫做純中性粒子,反粒子就是它本身,比如光子、π0介子等。並不是粒子物理學中的每種粒子都有這種意義上的反粒子,中微子就沒有反粒子,反中微子的定義與此不同。
反粒子的概念首先是1928年由英國物理學家狄拉克在他的電洞理論中提出的。1932年在宇宙射線中發現了正電子,證實了狄拉克的預言。1956年美國物理學家歐文張伯倫(Owen Chamberlain)在勞倫斯-伯克利國家實驗室發現了反質子。進一步的研究發現,狄拉克的電洞理論對玻色子不適用,因而不能解釋所有的粒子和反粒子。根據量子場論,粒子被看作是場的激發態,而反粒子就是這種激發態對應的復共軛激發態。

2009-10-03 21:57:18 補充:

但你可以在早期的氣泡室相片中看到反物質的證據。在這個室中的磁場會使帶負電的粒子向左旋而帶正電的粒子則向右旋。許多電子-正子對看似不知從哪出現,但實際上是從光子來的,這個光子並不會脫離軌道。正子 (反電子) 的行為就像電子但旋往相反的方向,因為它們有相反的電荷(一個這樣的電子-正子對是最重要的部分)

2009-10-03 21:58:20 補充:


(最常用的反粒子符號是在相對應的粒子符號上加一橫,例如: "上夸克" u 有一個 "反上夸克"命名為 ,唸作 u-bar。夸克的反粒子是反夸克,質子的反粒子是反質子…諸如此類。 反電子叫做 正子 ,寫作 e+。)

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