*Urgent* 電腦開唔到 !!! Help ~

2009-10-02 9:47 pm
唔知係咪因為熄機嗰一下 . 快手過頭未等佢正式跳出咗個畫面, 就按熄咗個開關制 ?
而家開電腦嗰陣 ..佢彈出呢個籃色字既版面出黎 :
A problem has been detected and windows had been shu down to prevent damage to your computer.
If this is the fist time you'veseem this step error screen, restart your computer .If this screen appears again , follow these steps:
Check to make sure any new hardware or software is properly installed.If this is a new installation,ask your hardward or software manufacturer for any windows updates you might need.
If problems continuse, disable or remove any newly installed hardware or software .Disable BIOS memoryoptions such as caching or shadowing.If you need to use safe mode to remove or disable compoments,restart your computer,press F8 to select Advanced startup options,and them select safe mode.
[跟住重有一大堆 000000同符號之類..]
我試過熄機..再開....>無反應 !
>>> 熄機.再開..按F8 擇過 SAFE MODE [亦試過擇其他..]
之但都係出番 WINDOWS XP 嗰開機 ICON ..
跟住但又跳番出去 藍色英文字嗰版 ... = =
有無人可以幫到我 ?
指教吓應該點做 ???? HELP !
唔該哂咁多位先 !!!! Thanks !!!


嗰堆符號打唔到出黎 = = 字如下 : STOP .0X000000ED(0X86356C08.0XC0000006.0X00000000.0X00000000) P.S : 多謝二位既提點 & 幫先 ! Thks !

回答 (2)

2009-10-08 3:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
[跟住重有一大堆 000000同符號之類..]

要抄下這些符碼,用第二部電腦上 Google 查解,每一個碼有獨特的解釋,解後會知怎樣做。


1. 之前裝了一個和視窗有衝突的新程式、韌體,令系統鎖上。
2. 硬件,如硬碟、記憶體等損壞,無法開機。
3. 有時更新、提升視窗系統也會發生鎖機情況。

一定找到解釋的,如解後是硬碟就要換,不過資料會全失。是 RAM 就簡單。如你有裝過新程式或軟件、韌體等,要用視窗開機碟內的修復程式使系統還原才行,不懂要去舖修。


參考: 我的電腦智識,經驗
2009-10-02 10:37 pm
maybe 火牛同 RAM 有問題 try try out 走其中絛 ram try try

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