2009-10-02 6:21 pm
a book/film/article report. (About World War I, World War II and the Cold War)

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2009-10-02 9:22 pm
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Book Name "All Quiet On the Western Front "
Paul Baumer is a 19 year old German student who is convinced by peers and his schoolmaster to enlist in the German army during World War I. The story follows him and his fellow soldiers throughout their struggles in the war. The book is written through his eyes, which is also known as a "first person account". Baumer is sent to the war front where he is placed under the command of Corporal Himmelstoss. Himmelstoss does not like Baumer because he feels that the young soldier is too defiant. Later in the story, Baumer is some friends attack Himmelstoss in the street in an act of revenge for the unnecessary torment he had put While on the front, Baumer and company get trapped in a shell hole for a night. A Frenchman finds his way into the hole, whereupon, Paul stabs him. He then has to comfort the Frenchman while he slowly dies, which is very hard for him and wrestles with his emotions throughout the night. Later, Paul is sent to defend a village. There is no one left in the village, so everyone on the mission is able to ransack the village and do with the villagers belongings as they please. The French start to attack the village, and Paul one of his friends, Albert Kropp, are injured during the battle.
Comment / Feeling
Baumer is sent back to the front to continue fighting. He feels that it merely cheapens the lives of individuals who shape the world, but die defending the monsters their countries can become during wartime. As Paul dies, his face is calm, "as though almost glad the end had come. Collins was a soldier who enlisted underage, but someone managed to enter battle. Remarque proves his points through each important event and special detail in the book, such as the way Schoolmaster Kantorek convinces his students to go fight a war that he himself would never enter,

2009-10-02 13:23:25 補充:
or Paul's struggles, physical, emotional, and mental, or Paul's loyalty to his friends like Albert and Kat, or the night he spends in the hole with the French soldier, or the time he spends with his mother at home, or the way he dies,

2009-10-02 13:24:27 補充:
or the way the military report reads at the end: All quiet on the Western Front. In the last chapter, Paul dies. The author gives no details about the death, and suddenly shifts the narration from first person to third person without saying who witnesses the death.

2009-10-02 13:25:17 補充:
He was giving his opinion about war itself, as well, I believe. I would recommend it to other readers interested in a good story, or for general knowledge. Some other books written as first person, non-fiction accounts of World War I are:

2009-10-02 13:26:06 補充:
A Diary Without Dates by Enid Bagnold and Last Man Standing by Norman Collins. I think that the book is a bit too graphic and potentially scary for younger readers. Bagnold was a British nurse during the War, and she tells her horror stories from the hospital during her tenure there in this novel.

2009-10-02 13:26:35 補充:
I enjoyed this book very much and I feel that the author made his point very well. It has grown very difficult and cold at this point, and all of his friends are dying off in battle.
參考: All Quiet On the Western Front

收錄日期: 2021-04-19 15:26:31
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