What should I do? I'm sad and lonely....?

2009-10-02 5:08 am
I'm really hurting inside right now because I just realized that I'm a 22 year old guy that has no real companion to share my deepest feelings with. I'm overly emotional; I'm known for crying at weddings (especially when i was at the head table at my sisters) and even during songs like that Leona Lewis Bleeding Love song i heard today. Do you think I'm depressed? I have a good job as an account manager at a political consulting firm and go to night classes every day...I'm busy but I don't think thats the reason for my intense sadness right now because I feel like that keeps me busy and away from thinking about myself. Their were a few girls that I dated in the past couple months but they were not looking for anything serious. What do you think I should do to put myself out there without looking desperate? I am obviously not used to being alone.

Thanks so much for the responses (everyone beginning at Lily's response), I didn't think anyone would reply that quickly...Lily you really made me feel special even though i might not be... I think I should go to the gym soon just to blow off my emotions. I did meet this girl in my GRE prep class that told me to come to Oktoberfest with her this weekend but I still need to decide whether I should go or not..regardless, I think I'd feel much better going out with her but I still have to decide if I want to treat it as just being friends with her or something more because she was giving mixed signals..and I do think I'm feeling sorry for myself which is not good. I really appreciate the support and hope I can reciprocate someday.


Sorry i didn't address this in the last post, but I have been praying to God everyday of my life and I don't expect anything in return because I consider whatever I've already gotten a blessing. I just think that for some things, God wants us to pursue on our own in order to build character.

回答 (7)

2009-10-02 5:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
See a counselor dude. Most 22 year olds dont have a "companion to share their deepest feelings with"! Enjoy your freedom, you are so young, have fun, live it up.. That companion will find you along the way!
2009-10-02 5:22 am
It is normal to feel sad and lonely sometimes. I don't think that you are depressed. I think that you are just feeling sorry for yourself because you don't have a companion. You are only 22 years old. You have plenty of time to find that special lady. Just stop looking for someone to make your life complete. Your life should already be complete without having a girlfriend. Get to know yourself. Hang out with the guys, or with your family. Eventually someone will come along when you are not looking. I remember before I met my husband, I used to be so lonely. During the holidays, I would cry because I had to go home alone. I still had my family, but I was always sad. I remember New Year's Eve 1998, I actually prayed to God that this would be my last New Years alone. I met my now husband in April of 1999. I wasn't really looking for love, but when he came, I felt like it was a blessing from God. We have been together for over 10 years now. Maybe you should try praying for someone special to come into your life.
2009-10-02 5:19 am
Ah dude sorry to hear this! But reality is your 22, that is really young most people don't have any companion at that age, well I don't and most people our age don't, I know it's hard to see others get married and go away with their lives but in a few years that will be you, just chill out enjoy your young life, one day it will come.

Don't listen to those girls who say they don't like criers that's BS when all of them know they would like a guy who isn't a jerk!
2009-10-02 5:15 am
hey its okay! everyone feels like that sometimes! i think the best place to put yourself out there and to find a suitable amazing woman companion would be church. i dont know if you're religous and i would not use God to gain women but you learn so much about yourself through scripture and worship. God presents each man with a woman as a gift. perhaps you could find her there. Pursue God and you will find a purpose in life.

Good luck!

or .....just go to a gym and work out. you'll feel better about yourself and guys love to look at girls in short shorts lol
2009-10-02 5:14 am
I think you are a cutie! 22 is so young.. you have plenty of time to find your special one to share your deepest feelings. Hang in there it will happen. Happy to hear you have a nice job and keep busy. Maybe you should throw in a few nights at the gym, that may help with the blue moods. You have not said anything that would make me think you are depressed. If your sleep pattern is good I don't think you have anything to really worry about.
2009-10-02 5:12 am
wth? personally, i dont date cryers. overly clingy, prone to depression, and its like dating another girl. i dont swing that way. sorry.
2009-10-02 5:11 am
maybe u r bi

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