Seems everybody I know likes to show off with there new acuras or super car I only drive an average car could I still hope to date a hot girl is the world that materialistic.
Nope, I don't care. :) I mean, good Lord! I drive an 88 Caddy that I spray painted peace signs on and then scrubbed off with oven cleaner. :) Haha, true story. Hope this makes you feel better.
Some do some don't. I just don't want a guy who doesn't have a car or has a filthy, beat up pickup with Coronas, chili cups and dirty socks left in it (yes some guy had that in his car). If it is a really POS than you might have some trouble. If it is average I think you will be ok, most of the guys here do not even have a car and any kind of ride they have is a mooch off some friend or family member.
Not in the way that you might think. For me, having a car (if you don't live somewhere with readily available public transport) means that you are independent, and also stable as you are able to maintain having a car. So I think it shows a lot about personality. It's not about the car looking good or anything like that.
On the other hand, if you live in a major city with plenty of transport, then it is a total non issue.