Question about the poor?

2009-10-01 11:47 pm
If you had to convince youth to go to Africa and volunteer in a village, what are 3 reasons you would use to convince them?

回答 (4)

2009-10-02 2:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Convincing is a strong word.. believing in a just cause would be a better choice in my point of view, if someone believes than that person will fight for the cause and volunteer for it . When I was a child we were asked by our teacher to bring a bag of sugar to be sent to Africa, the need was there but so was the need of the kids that were asked and not everyone brought a bag , some perhaps didn't believe in the need, some just couldn't not afford it or just didn't care. I personally went home and asked my mother and was given one to take and until this day I believe in the need even if many years have passed the need is still there. Volunteering is very difficult and to tell someone about it you would need to show proof , so get a documentary , if you have experience yourself about Africa , you are the perfect person to represent the cause , after all you have seen and lived there! If not you must find someone that was there or from there and would be able to speak
about the need of volunteers, than you have a great person that fought for the cause Audrey Hepburn who was the Ambassador for Unicef

she left a legacy behind her , use some of her quotes when you speak to the youth.

Not everyone will be taken from it ,we all have different feelings toward humanity.

“Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, it's at the end of your arm, as you get older, remember you have another hand: The first is to help yourself, the second is to help others.”
2009-10-01 11:58 pm
1- World Vision is perfect for reason #1. I see their ads all the time. Seriously, they are going to work. Their ads i see everyday kinda make me want to go to Africa.

2- They are gonna be happier than hell if we help them finally since they are so that hungry feed them a big mac and a pizza with water before those poor people die every 4 seconds.

3- BEG THEM!!! That's a dumb reason but that's all i can think of.
參考: I just seriously don't know why John T has to make such a long answer.
2009-10-01 11:57 pm
1-They need a lot of help.
2-It will help you have a different perspective on life.
3-It will make those people happy
4-Free airplane tickets?
2009-10-01 11:54 pm
1-It's necessary
2-It will make you a better person
3 see above


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參考: Experience

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