Animal Abuse vs Child Abuse?

2009-10-01 6:53 pm
I think both are wrong! but if i had the opportunity to stop one of the 2 i would choose animals abuse. why? because there are a ton of things being done for child abuse, but animals can use words and they don't have much in the line of self defense...children can talk, yell, scream....use the phone, run away. animals rely on us..that all they have is us.

Give me your opinion!

回答 (22)

2009-10-01 7:01 pm
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I agree with you, i guess i've never thought about it before. When I read the question i was like i'd stop child abuse no question, but now i think i'd chose animals for the sam reason you did. It's a very good point and an interesting question!

Their both terrible and i wish we could stop them both, it's such a same that there are so many evil people in the world that would Cary out such horrible acts.

Any way thank you for interesting me and i'm an animal lover too, what you fave animal? mine are dogs and dolphins :)
2009-10-01 6:59 pm
Load of crap where i live. I see more animal adverts defending animals. I am sorry but little kids don't deserve to get abuse, physically or sexually. I think once someone robs someone of something then it has more prioity
2009-10-01 7:00 pm
I will still go for child abuse. Because if you can't stop child abuse how much more can you stop animal abuse? Babies/kids can scream or yell but they still have no other defense.
2009-10-01 7:05 pm
Definately, stopping child abuse. Children who are abused will abuse animals, and then grow to abuse people. I also believe children are way more important than animals, and when they are emotionally, mentally, and verbally abused, they don't realize that being hit is abuse due to the lies they hear....over and over again. So it is still a growing problem.
2009-10-01 7:01 pm
I would say CHild abuse cause some of the kids being abused are too young to form words and an animal has instincts if they are being abused then they usually are MEANER and revert to their instincts that they have in the wild
2009-10-01 6:58 pm
Children really can't do much about it. It's not as easy as you think. As much as they seem able to do, it's not as simple as that.
Child abuse affects the world greatly, whereas animal abuse doesn't have the same affect. As much as there is being done for child abuse, it's not enough.
參考: I was a victim of child abuse.
2016-11-25 2:41 pm
CHILD ABUSE OF COURSE, humans SHOULD BE the ones who get taken care of, not those animals without a soul
2016-04-05 9:27 pm
This is the only one i can think of. However it's about a girl being abused not a boy but it's quite a good one i think, hope it helps! Martina Mcbride - Concrete Angel
2009-10-01 7:05 pm
Really? If you had the oppotunity to stop one of the two it would be animal abuse? Unbelievable.

Do you really think children can defend themselves? You sould be ashamed of yourself and I hope you never have kids.
2009-10-01 6:59 pm
Stopping child abuse helps stop animal abuse. Think about it...a lot of people who were abused as children have been proven to abuse animals.

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