✔ 最佳答案
1. 不會, 正如其他回答既朋友所講, 比同唔比好多時都係無得解
2. 我比呢個sample你啦^_^ 係我上年幫屋企人申請時用既, 佢成功申請到~(在回答最底)
3. 我屋企人申請時都係用中文回答, 都無問題, 不過如果可以用英文可能會比較好. 其實佢只會問你一d好簡單既問題, 一般程度既英文已經ok, 除左領事館列出需要既文件之外, 重要文件如公司信, 紅薄仔 (正副本), 屋契等等証明資產既野
Sample : (用公司信紙)
Officer In ChargeVisa Section
American Consulate General Hong Kong
26 Garden Road, Central
Hong Kong.
Dear Sir/Madam,
This is to certify that Ms. 英文全名, holder of HKID No. 身份証號碼 is employed by our Company since 第一日入職日期. Her present position is 職位名.
Ms. 英文全名 is contemplating taking a trip to the United States of America during 日子to 日子 and will resume duty in the company after her return.
Your favourable consideration to Ms. 英文全名 visa application will be much appreciated.
It would be appreciated if you could render any assistance when required.
Yours faithfully,For and on behalf of
經理名Manager (職位名)
2009-10-07 15:29:23 補充:
如果你表妹人工係多既, o係封信中不妨寫埋佢人工呀, 如果得幾千蚊就唔好寫喇