Why is W(Work done) is scalar?

2009-10-01 11:10 pm
according to W = F s

F and s are both vectors .
Why is W(Work done) is scalar??
唔通兩個vector的積是 = scalar ??

回答 (1)

2009-10-01 11:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
W = Fs is not the definition of work done. It is just a simplified version.

The definition of work done is W = (integrate) F ds = F‧s (for constant force) = │F││s│cos@, where F and s are vectors (they are bolded),

In fact, this is the scalar product of two vectors, which yields a scalar.

Therefore, work done is a scalar.

Moreover, work done has the unit joules, which implies it is related to energy. Therefore, it should be a scalar.

P.S. the scalar product of two vectors is a scalar

The cross product of two vectors is a vector.

參考: Physics king

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