
2009-10-01 6:53 pm
有咩九龍區女校同東華三院張明添中學 既程度差不多?

第一屆 334 學制


請不要回答廢話..(叫我唔好轉, 諗清楚)

plz help

回答 (2)

2009-10-02 1:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
Your school is band 2/1 am I right? If you want to 轉女校, I will
suggest u to go to study in 德雅(band 1 emi school). If your position
in class is about 1-5 and you can get about A/B in Math/Eng/Chi. I
suggest u to study in Maryknoll/ Heep Yuun. At last, if your family
can afford school free u can go to Good Hope( many girls in this
school will go oversea to study in F.3-4). Hope i can help u la .
2009-10-03 4:32 am
因為中中同英中嘅評分標準(類似:Level 有D學校問你系咩學校 就即刻話無位)根本就唔同呀! 如果唔系全級前5名嘅話 可能都會有D難度!!!!

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