Is being nerdy ever a turn-on for guys?

2009-10-01 7:51 am
I just found out that I'm kind of a nerd. This fact rudely crept up on me after I named my laptop Mel, short for Mellonamin, which means "My Friend" in Elvish. I'm way into SciFi shows like Battlestar Galactica and Stargate Atlantis. I plan on going to Comic Con next year. When I get sad I watch Revenge of the Sith while I eat chocolate, and I'm extremely interested in ciphers and basic stenographic codes.

Normally, I don't talk about things like that. Looking at me, you'd never guess that I understand basic binary. How much of my nerdiness should I keep secret, and how much of it would be a turn-on for guys?

回答 (7)

2009-10-01 7:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
you should wear your nerdiness as a badge of honor! obviously the right man for you will be a nerd too, so why bother hiding the real you and trying to attract a (lame-a**) non-nerd?
2009-10-01 2:58 pm
it wouldnt really matter just as long as ur not talking all the time about scifi and all that
2009-10-01 2:57 pm
Best advice you will ever receive: Just be yourself

Don't ever hide who you are in a relationship because eventually you will want to be yourself, and this changes the whole dynamic of the relationship. Besides, if you're yourself, you'll attract guys who like you for yourself.

There are a lot of guys who like nerdy chicks. My husband goes crazy over nerdy girls....which I'm not, but he's over it :)
2009-10-03 4:19 am
Um you sounds kinda geeky in some ways meaning no offense btw but sounds like a turn off personally but I like sci fi cant deny that and battlestar and SGA are shows I always watched but only weird thing is the Sith thing and Its ok to be smart as long as u dont act too mcuh like it and idk u enough to really judge you like this but be urself
2009-10-01 3:35 pm
i kinda like nerdy people
if they r good looking
參考: my experiences
2009-10-01 3:01 pm
I think you're basically thinking about it too much. You can tell how much of your "nerdy-ness" you can show just by how the conversation is going, if you two are talking about baseball you might not want to get too nerdy but if you start talking about sci-fi or movies in general you can definitely talk about star wars. What you really don't want to do is try to not act nerdy at all because sooner or later it will cause problems. hope this helps

PS. my GF is nerdy too..............and I love her for it
2009-10-01 2:59 pm
It sounds like you need to go after brains who would share those things in common. If you do go after someone who isn't a brain, then you need to keep those things you say you like on the down low. That may creep them out. Since you say you don't like to talk about those things, then keep it that way when you are dealing with the opposite sex. What do you like to do that is girlie in nature? Stick to that unless you also like things like football as well.

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