Should I Give My First Time To Him?

2009-10-01 1:00 am
We're Bestfriends But I've Been InLove With Him For A While Now. We Always Flirted Around But We Started alking About Having Sex, And I Want To. I Just Cant Deciide What I Shouuld Do. Help?

回答 (14)

2009-10-01 1:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
you will regret it later. wait until you are older and REALLY in love
2009-10-01 1:03 am
Whoa. You should take it slowly or else you both might end up getting hurt emotionally. I don't see what's the rush. Slow down. Don't do anything that you two might someday live to regret. Good Luck!
2009-10-01 1:06 am
You sound like you're fourteen...

In any case, I would advise against it. Most women I know who've had sex early on later regret it.

Sex is special, and I believe it should only be a privilege to those truly in love (in other words, only within the confines of marriage).

Don't live with regrets, just save yourself for your husband. I'm sure you'd both appreciate it in the end.
2009-10-01 1:15 am
It's a big thing to give up and you should definitely consider it before giving it to someone. Don't let your hormones do the thinking. There are other ways to profess your love to each other besides sex. If you do decide to, use protection always.
2009-10-01 1:06 am
Ok, you both have to talk about the consequences.
1. You're giving away virginity
2. You may break up your friendship
3. You may become pregnant.
There more but those are the main ones

Next, you said you WANT to do it.
If you really want to, and he really wants to, then go for it,
just use protection. Hope that helps.

Oh one more thing... my opinion... if you asked this question then I don't think you are ready yet. Wait for the special time for that special guy.
2009-10-01 1:05 am
If you felt the need to ask this question the answer is most likely no. When you are truly ready you will know and you will not question yourself.
2009-10-01 1:05 am
If you want to then go for it.
2009-10-01 1:04 am
if he's single and you kno you wont regret it later on then go for it!! as long as youre like 17 or older
2009-10-01 1:04 am
yes i agree
u dont want to rush into something u are unsure about!
u will for sure regret it
make sure u think about it first..
2009-10-01 1:03 am

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