請代問中譯英, 急救!!

2009-09-30 6:26 pm
如果我要用電話同個外國的供應商聯絡, 應該點講:

我是xxx, 係xxx的同事,
我哋還沒有收到有關那兩部dell server的保養細節, 所以我不能出po俾你。可否儘快在今日上午俾我, 因為我必須今日sent po給你, 方便我哋兩間公司對數。

回答 (6)

2009-10-04 6:54 pm
Please do not simply rely on those free 翻譯網站 or 翻譯機。

The translation given in paulleung221's posting was absolutely incorrect. We should be quite sure about our answers, especially those related to language usage, before we tell others. Knowledge sharing should be done in a responsible manner.
2009-10-02 12:10 pm
This is XX, a colleague of XX. We haven’t received the maintenance details regarding the two Dell servers, therefore we cannot issue you a PO . Can you give them to me this morning as I must issue you a PO today. This will be convenient for us to reconcile the records.
2009-10-01 3:33 pm


2009-10-01 12:54 am
Hello! This is XXX. I am a colleague of xxx. Since we still haven't received the details of the maintenance regarding the two Dell Servers, we are unable to issue the PO to you. Can you kindly help and give us the relative information to us within this morning as we have to sent you the PO today? This will also facilitate the reconciliation between our two companies.
2009-10-01 12:14 am

This is x x x, a collegue of xxx, from yyy company.

Concerning the two Dell servers we are purchasing,

we hope to send you the purchase order by to day,

but we cannot do it without having received the warranty's details first.

Could you send me as soon as by this morning?

So that we can put into record before the cutting date of our accountings.

Thank you very much.
2009-09-30 7:52 pm
如果我要用電話同個外國的供應商聯絡, 應該點講:


I was xxx, the Department of xxx colleagues,
What time do we still have not received it two dell server maintenance details, so I can not out of po to serve you. Can as soon as possible this morning to serve me, because I have today sent po to you, It will take us two to facilitate the number of companies.

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