what should i set on fire?

2009-09-30 7:46 am
i saw a leprachaun and he told me to burn things.

回答 (12)

2009-09-30 7:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
Principal Skinner
2009-09-30 2:57 pm
How about your pants?
2009-09-30 5:38 pm
Burn the leprachaun
2009-09-30 5:34 pm
Don't get my bart involved.
2009-09-30 5:26 pm
the moonrock up your nose
2009-09-30 5:24 pm
2009-09-30 3:49 pm
your pc
2009-09-30 3:16 pm
What you're about to pry out of there. You really would want to reduce that to ashes..and scatter them nowhere near anybody else...
2009-09-30 2:53 pm
just light a bonfire and then a joint, maybe the leprechaun will come back to party.
2009-09-30 2:50 pm
burn grass, its fun, cheap, easy, and hey, you dont have to cut it !

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