不分是非黑白, 不知所謂!!!!!

2009-09-30 7:35 am
波蘭斯基, 一個姦未成年少女既死變態佬
呢條友應該一早拉去槍斃啦, 佢仲可以逍遙法外咁多年

瑞士當局拉左佢, 係正義的行動
波蘭同法國兩個人渣國家, 竟然出動外交公然維護變態佬
加上某些冇腦D垃圾電影界人士, 包括一些香港導演

姦未成年少女, 係罪大惡極
瑞士當局拘捕佢, 係天經地義, 係稍有良知的政府也會做的事

有良知的你們, 睇得過眼咩?

回答 (2)

2009-10-03 8:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I agree with everything you said but probably not as wired…

US and France have no extradition agreement between them. Polanski has a dual citizenship of France and Poland. So he has been living in France as a free man which really demonstrates how liberal France is. But US and Switzerland have extradition agreement. Los Angeles District Attorney Office found out from Internet that Polanski will be in Switzerland, with time and place, to be honored in an event. So they notified the Swiss authority to arrest him. The Swiss did accordingly as requested. Now the LA office of District Attorney will have 60 days to file papers to extradite Polanski to US to face judgment.

Other thoughts...

US are a society that respects the law. That is why people like to live in the US. I cannot say US is flawless as a society but it is the strongest and still the best country to live in. It is because of its strength in, military, economy, legal system, and the extradition agreement between the 2 countries, the Swiss complied and arrested Polanski.

From this incident, China must learn to be a country that will always respect the law and no one is above it. Only at that time, China will be, and Chinese will be respected by the world community. Let us hope that day will be here, soon.

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