F.4 Maths (Line Equations )

2009-09-30 5:11 am
Given that the equation of L is 2x+4y-5=0, does there exist a point (x,y) satisfying the equation while x and y are both integers? Explain your answer.


回答 (1)

2009-09-30 6:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
If x is integer, then (5-4y) should be an even number
Assume y is even
=> 4y is even
=> 5-4y is odd (Since odd number minus even number is odd number)
It does not meet that (5-4y) is even
Hence, no x and y being both integers can be satisfied the equation of L.

2009-09-29 22:15:28 補充:
Sorry for a typo mistake, it should be "Assume y is an integer"

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