uk a-level choice of subjects

2009-09-28 7:42 am
i'm a f5 science student and i want to know that if i want to study business in unniversity, what subjects should i take in a-level?

what's the difference between economics and business studies? will it be tough for me to take econ/bs if i'm not studying neither or them now?

i'm interested in psychology, what is it about and is that a subject hard to get a grade a?

also, will the unniversity count further math and math as one subject? what's the difference between further math and additional math?

回答 (2)

2009-09-28 6:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
想問你係plan 去英國讀a-level, 定係係hk考完個hkale先過去丫?

2009-09-28 10:13:26 補充:
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1) 咁呢, 如果你係想讀一d business based 既course 呢, 你可以揀either business/econ 既, 因為呢, 佢地既coruse structure 係好similar既, 而呢, 佢地好多時如果你2個都讀哂的話, 咁呢, 有一d 大學係會當係一個course 咁既, 同埋因為佢地係similar 呢, 所以呢, 好多學生都唔會揀既..." 個人覺得你可以揀maths/furthermaths/physics/econ.. 因為咁呢, 呢一個combination 呢. 可以show 到俾佢睇, 你d maths 係ok 既, 因為有physics, 咁佢地就唔會覺得你只係讀死一d business 既subject了...

2) 佢地有一d coourse content 係repeat左既, 不過最大唔同既係. business 係有coursework, 而econ 係冇既, 而econ 係就咁入去take exam, 而business 係會事前俾左一個case study 俾你, 要你睇左先, 再入去考的, 會冇咁易架.. 同埋呢, 個人覺得, econ 可以做下past paper, 但係因為有case study, 變左可能要一d extra reading, 你f.5冇business 既底, 會難一d 既... 好多係英國讀書既人, 佢地都係係6th form 先take business , 所以唔駛驚的..."

3) 呢一個subject 呢, 我自己就冇讀, 但d fd 讀呢, 佢地就覺得一個好既老師好緊要, 如果唔係佢講既concept 係唔會明既... 而呢, 佢地都要做coursework, 好似聽講都幾難, 因為佢地既英文不是太好呢.. 如果你大學想讀business 呢, 個人覺得, 你唔好讀psycho了..

4) 咁呢. 而furthermaths 呢, 有一d 大學會consider 你做4th a-level, 有一d 係唔會既, depends 係咩學校既, 同埋呢, 佢地呢, 有一d 學校出offer 果時, 係寫明你要咩subject 咩grade, 好多時就唔會show furthermaths 既, 不過suggest你讀, 因為呢, 上到大學, 會有用, 到時上到大學再讀呢, 就會太遲. 我讀science 既係大學, 我自己都好後悔冇讀到furthermaths, 如果唔係yr1 就唔駛咁辛苦了... 果時我唔揀都係因為唔drop 得, 要讀哂佢. 所以我先冇揀.. 而家想番起, 真係有一d 後悔呢..

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以email我的=]

參考: 多年uk留學exp :)
2009-09-29 4:46 am
i will go after ce

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